Our PlayStation console has many perks and features. One of them is the option to put the PlayStation 5 console in rest mode. In this article, we will discuss this cool feature offered by Sony to our consoles. Are you ready? Let's dive right in!
What is Rest mode?
The console enters a state known as rest mode, where it is nearly off but not completely. It uses less power, and it can do background tasks like downloading games.
Benefits of putting the console in rest mode
Putting the PlayStation 5 console in rest mode has its benefits. Here are some of them:
- Less electricity consumed by the console
- Continue the game download and game patches.
- Resume downloading the latest version of the system software.
- Resume playing with the active games. Yes, you can pause and resume. Isn't that nice? You pick up and play the game exactly where you left off.
Important: Do not turn off or unplug the AC power cord because it will immediately shut down your console and you may experience problems.
How to put your PS5 console on rest mode?
There are the following ways to put your PS5 console into rest mode: Here we go:
By Using the DualSense Controller
This is pretty straightforward. On your DualSense controller, press the PlayStation button found in the middle of the controller. It will open the quick menu. You can then go to Power and press the Rest Mode option.
By Setting a Fixed Time
On your console, go to Settings - System, then go to Power Saving. It will provide with 2 options:
- During media playback, this setting will run while playing videos or music.
- While playing games, this setting will run when you're on the home screen, playing a game, or using the PlayStation app.
This is good if you are inactive for a couple of hours; your console will enter rest mode automatically. You can set it to trigger after a couple of hours or turn this setting off.
If you enable turning off after a fixed time, it is convenient because your console will turn off after a specific hour. This is good in situations where you fell asleep while playing.
Via HDMI device link
Another approach is setting your console to rest mode if your TV is turned off. You can do this by going to Settings - HDMI - Enable HDMI Device Link and setting the Enable Power Off Link.
By using the Power button on the console
If you do not have your DualSense controller or it is placed far from your reach, you can go straight to your console and put it to rest mode by pressing the power button once on your console. After pressing, you will see that your console will change its color from white to orange.

Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I unplug the AC power code while in rest mode?
It will trigger an improper shutdown on your console. These issues can possibly happen:
- Lose current data or gameplay.
- Corrupted game installations or save files
- Corrupted videos in the library
- Corrupted system software
- Hardware failure
In short, it will make your console's life shorter if you do not apply good practices on your console.
When is the best time to put the PlayStation console in rest mode?
Me, I turn the console on if I want to play, then turn it off afterwards. If there is a game that I need to download and install, I set my console in rest mode during midnight. This is more efficient because no one is using the internet, and the bandwidth is dedicated to downloading the game, so it is faster. Then I will resume after I wake up the next morning.
Where's the power button?
This is actually easy to miss. You can find the power button on top of the eject button in front of the PS5 console.
Putting on rest mode or power off? Which is better?
It varies depending on your preference and use. If you are not doing any background activity like downloading games or updates, then I personally prefer turning the console off. For best performance, I would recommend using rest mode only if needed. Restarting or powering it on boots the console up to its original state.
What happens if I am playing via remote play and the console is put on rest mode?
Then the remote play quits, and you will lose access to your PS portal, mobile device, laptop, or any device you are using to play remotely. However, you can also start and launch remote play while the console is in rest mode. Please note that this feature will be available if you enable remote play setting on your console
Can I access the console via PS app during rest mode?
Yes! Since accessing the app is different, you can still do other things like purchasing a game on the PlayStation store, downloading and installing a game while in rest mode via the PlayStation app. Pretty convenient, huh!
Today we learned how to put your PlayStation 5 console in rest mode or standby mode. To be honest, there are plenty of settings and cool features our console has to offer. It's fun discovering new things and getting to know what your console can do, isn't it?
Do you have some stuff you wish to add? Let's wrap it up in the comments section below!
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